Monday, March 17, 2008

George Foreman Smokeless Grill (aka - living in light of the Gospel)

Here is a quote that I ran across recently, and I thought it well represented the mindset we should have as Christians.

"Constantly running its course through the many paths of our minds should be how astonishing the grace is that we have through Christ Jesus, and then every other thought should be subject to and infused with and motivated by this self-humbling and Savior-exalting mindset. When we are reviled, we do not revile in return because of the example of our God. He did not return evil for evil when He was the victim of the greatest injustice in human history but rather showed an astounding and incomprehensible love; perfection being slaughtered for the vile, for the scum of life, for the prostitute, for the addict, for the weak, for the sinner, for me, for you. This mindset should be fuel for the Spirit driven fire of compassion we are to have for mankind; both Christians and non-Christians."


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