Monday, August 17, 2009

One Year in India (by Mike Gundersen)

This year has been an enlightening one. When I first arrived in India, I was overwhelmed with the amount of work to do. I found myself suddenly in charge of six Indian people whose languages I did not speak and cultures I did not understand. As the months went by, God was gracious in allowing me to learn how they thought, the cultural and language differences. Friendships began to form as we worked through the hot summer and cold winter, serving daily alongside each other. God was at work in our lives.

As the year progressed, God continually exhibited his graciousness. He allowed me to be comfortable here, find my place here in Delhi, and work alongside my friends instead of just being an administrator among strangers. We got the operation running more smoothly and I had learned to live in a new world.

The work here encompassed many different things. Here are some highlights: English classes were taught, medicine was distributed, food was shared, blankets given, slum kids were tutored. Also, our ultimate goal of reaching university students through the work of PMI was realized in a number of lives. Their names are Sonu, Chanda, Mehnaz, Sandeep, Roman and Pooja.

I’ve learned much over this year about my own weaknesses. It was interesting to see how they exhibit themselves in a different culture. But our God is gracious and has taught me, and is still teaching me, to rely upon Him for the strength to get the work done, to go before Him in prayer for all my needs and to give Him the praise for the work He’s done, is doing and will continue to do.

Continue to pray for the work going on here. India is a very dark country, and is in desperate need of the Lord. Pray for the workers called here, to be faithful to their calling. I hope this encourages you to be faithful to your own calling, relying upon the Lord’s strength and to have your will aligned perfectly with that of our heavenly Father’s.

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Blogger Mike's Cornerstone SCV Community Group: said...

Well done good and faithful servant!

August 20, 2009 at 4:17 PM  

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