Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Women's Gathering Recap (by Jennifer Jackson)

Women's Ministry at Copperhill Church exists to create an environment where women can build lasting friendships while pursuing deeper intimacy with Christ. Our first gathering was held August 14th, which we hope is the beginning of what should be a promising string of women's fellowship events at our church.

The night began with mingling and greeting. A kind welcome and opening prayer from Cathy Daniels prepared our hearts for the tremendous testimony to be shared by Kellie Davenport. Kellie vulnerably shared how the Lord had brought her and her husband to a better understanding of living life with purpose through Him as she testified to the sufferings of having a child with unexpected health problems. Her words of wisdom coupled with her brutal honesty were just what were needed to challenge the women to think outside of their comfort zones or possibly release any feelings they had been harboring due to difficult times in their own lives. Kellie challenged our whole group to ask for the Lord's strength in suffering knowing that it would come our way. Kellie summarized her testimony and goal in sharing by saying that she is nothing apart from Christ and suffers only for the glory of the Lord who is able to sustain us in hard times.

Kellie shared a verse from 1 Peter 3:14-15, which says "But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you." Through suffering, we grow in our understanding of this hope and God can use us to be a testimony to a hopeless world.

After Kellie finished sharing her testimony, we broke off into a time of reflection and sharing. It was an opportunity to hear about how other women in our church have suffered and how the Lord's faithfulness was their refuge and strength. Hearing of God's work in Kellie's family provided a reminder of our need for an eternal perspective. The many suffering stories that were shared that night posed as a challenge for the rest of the women to see suffering through Biblical lenses.

The Copperhill Women's event was a gathering blessed by God and one which will be remembered by all who were in attendance. This is just one of the many events which will be held so that the women of our church can grow in relationship, accountability, friendship, and Christ-like character with one another.

Note: Ladies, please mark your calendars for our next Women's Gathering. It will be Friday evening, December 4 at the Church Warehouse. More details to follow.

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