Evolutionary Theory on the Decline? Or is it?
The Church of England officially apologized to Charles Darwin for "misunderstanding" him. Apparently they have accepted as true the theory of evolution as the explanation for the origins of mankind and the universe. But surprisingly enough there is quite a stir in the UK and US surrounding the debate of creation vs. evolution as foundations for world-views. Below are some quotes from the article, or, to read the full article click here.
"Science does not have to be taught in conflict with faith or religion," he says. "I believe the current debate over creationism versus evolution is beginning to draw more and people over to our side (creationism) of the argument."
"The materialist explanation of the creation has nothing to offer - if we came from nothing and go into nothing, then that encourages people to lead reckless and materialistic lifestyles."
"Evolution is a world-view that leads to futility. It's no wonder people are dissatisfied with it."
I didn't see that article, so thanks for the post. It's interesting to note that the UK has not really had a significant creationist movement like in the US... until right about now, I guess.
Better get your 10 GBP "Darwin" notes while they last!
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